Saturday, September 27, 2014

What this is and is not / Intro

To be honest, I'm not 100% where this is going.  I've been vistiting for about a month.  And there's been a few fun stories I wanted to tell about them

No, this is not pro-conspiracy theories, nor is it one of those debunking things either... this is me exploring, with (hopefully) an open mind.  I believe that a lot of time, thought, and effort are put into all these theories.  To simply dismiss them because they do not follow the norm or don't "make sense" would be foolish. Like energy being equal to mass times the speed of light squared.  To me, that doesn't "make sense".  OK, so maybe mass is energy in some way, but why is the speed of light involved?  Like who cares how fast light is?  But it turns out light is a constant speed?  And this somehow matters?  Like I'm just probably too dumb to intuitive know why that is, but there's math involved and I don't think I'm making a controversial or bold statement by saying I believe e = mc2 is true.

All that being said, my current mindset/prejudice is is that the majority of these are theories are shit and wild speculation.  Most will have little, if any proof.  But I do think a lot of them do bring up valid questions.  And I believe that when you are not allowed to question something, that is precisely the time that question NEEDS to be asked~!  Because why aren't you allowed to question that particular thing?  What is being hidden and why?

Ok, I'm getting too deep.

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