Thursday, October 2, 2014

The ULTIMATE 9/11 Conspiracy Theory or Loose Change is an Inside Job...

1:  The Official Story

Once upon a time, 9/11.  Then EVERYTHING changed.  America was at war.  America attacked Afghanistan.... "Give us Bin Ladin" America declared.  But then all of a sudden, America attacked Iraq... maybe kinda 9/11 involvement???  maybe some weapons of mass destruction???  well... I mean Saddam and his sons are really evil people...

2: The "Truthers"

Once upon a time, 9/11.  Then EVERYTHING changed.  America at war.... hey.... what the hell.... something just doesn't add up....

I'm just going to assume most of you have watched Loose Change, or know some sort of variant of the 9/11 Truth movement... somehow the government was involved... 9/11 was "an inside job"...And for many, the story ends there.

What some of you may or may not know, is that there is actually "crazier" ideas... mini nukes, energy beam weapons, nothing hit the twin towers.... etc.  Now to some in the movement, this was fucking annoying.  THEY had LEGITIMATE concerns, but these crazies are just a distraction, maybe even CIA/government agents sent to infiltrate and ultimately derail the cause (I mean probably not... but who the hell knows...)  If you have 5 hours to kills, I think September 11: The New Pearl Harbour sums up their questions/concerns...

3: Dr Judy Wood

Take a deep breath and hold on tight... you are about to go down a pretty insane rabbit hole...

So backing up a bit.  In December 2005, the Scholars for 9/11 Truth was formed.  But there was a split.  One group, the majority, wanted to pursue the idea of controlled demolition... but one group was claiming DEW or Direction Energy Weapon.  So some energy beam or force or something was used on the towers, and they were "dustified"... or everything was broken down to the size of dust before hitting the ground.  Sounds really insane right???

Dr Judy Wood~!!!  Asking the essential question: Where Did the Towers Go?

Ok, so at first, I'll admit, I did not take her seriously at all.  I thought the person who introduced her to me was doing so in an ironic manner.... you know, when people like say the opposite of what they mean for humor.... but look, if you are going to claim controlled demolition with the use of thermite or nano thermite or whatever the hell.... then why is the next step of energy beam that much more impossible right?  Like if you're going to go for it, might as well go all in and dive into "crazy"...

Ok, so when the split occurs, there's Dr Judy Wood with the DEW and Dr. Steven E Jones with his thermite hypothesis (hy.poth.e.sis is a short bio/his take on 9/11... a former BYU professor persecuted for his "crazy" views)... But who is Dr. Steven E Jones???  If you google him, there's a part about cold fusion in debunking it.... which is kinda odd....

So here's the theory: Dr Steven E Jones is a government agent.  Heavy Watergate: shows how Dr Steve Jones was one of the leaders in suppressing cold fusion and they don't want you to know about this clean source of energy.  What does this have to do with 9/11?  Well, the DEW is Directed ENERGY Weapon.... ENERGY.... potentially "Free" and clean energy (Dr. Judy Wood references the Hutchinson's Effect, which is a whole other thing)... he has a history of this fuckery~!!!  He did it to cold fusion, he's trying to do it with the DEW.  He's a disinformation agent.  He claims Dr Judy Wood is horseshit.... using terms like "space beam" to mock her valid questions (click the link if you are ready for the 2 hour mind-melt/laugh fest if you don't take it seriously)... and distract people from knowing the truth....

So to sum up.  9/11 was a conspiracy, but the popular conspiracy theory being thrown out there was created by the REAL people behind 9/11 to create a false option.  Like a false either or when neither is the correct answer (kinda like how every 4 years there's an "option" between "2 different" candidates for president) with the purpose to stop seeking of the truth and ultimately the suppression of free energy...

Ok, so first off, why isn't Dr Judy Wood fucken dead?  If I'm one of the dudes involved in orchestrating all this shit... with the level of sophistication that Dr Wood claims, then why the fuck am I letting this crazy bitch say things that can fuck up my plans?  I mean just the sheer cost, I'm guessing in money alone, what is 1 more life?  Approx 3000 people were killed alone on 9/11 (not to mention the, by some estimate 1 million lives lost by the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and the clean up and rescue crews that are getting major health problems from breathing in toxic dust), in front of a world-wide audience... but killing/assassinating 1 more lady... no, THAT would make things TOO fishy???.... what's stopping these fucking INSANELY clever people from just killing her and making her shut the fuck up???  and also, if I want to keep this shit secret, then why the fuck am I using it as a weapon?  is it really worth the risk? but maybe that's just me... and maybe that's why I'm not part of the NWO.... or am I????

And with that all being said... I LOVE DR JUDY WOOD!  The way she presents her "evidence"... there's a focused tenacity, but then she throws in terms like "cheetos" and "chex" and "chocolate chip cookies" and "dustification" and all these, for lack of a better term, are stupid sounding and hard to take seriously.  But I take a step back, and noticed the naming of new phenomenon doesn't have to sound technical, such as "mushroom cloud"... that sounds pretty silly on its own, but it's the term used to describe the cloud of smoke that rises after an atomic bomb explosion... or "spaghettification"... the term used to describe how object going into a black hole stretch out, like a single strand of spaghetti noodle... its true, i've heard both Neil Degrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku use it without snickering...

Also, her credentials. if you check out her bio, she claims a PhD in mechanical engineering... so if anyone should know what the fuck they are talking about it should be her.  If there is any way to debunk her degrees, that would help me a lot in just dismissing her claims.  But as someone with just a BS in Sociology, I'm not sure if my expertise in engineering can even be compared to hers...also, a lot of her claims she points back to the evidence.  She never explicity claims who is responsible for the attacks, nor the nature of the weapon or the force, but rather just trying to explain the weird things she noticed.... and i can't really refute anything she says because again, its about things not in my expertise (ie was there enough rubble collected that accounted for 2 100+ story towers plus 5 other towers... cuz all 7 towers were destroyed...)...

Also, what's up with Hurricane Erin???  Headed straight... and then that sharp turn... but again, I'm no Johnny Mountain, or whatever that weatherman's name is.... and no evacuation was called for?  When a storm is headed straight towards a heavily populated area?  How were they so certain of the sharp turn???

So what do you believe?  Are you boring and un-original and believe in the official story?  Are you a bit more paranoid and don't always believe what you are being told and follow the "truth" movement?  Or you all-in and want to live in a world of energy weapons, dustification and glowing cheetos... where truth is is not freely served up on silver platters for the taking by the benevolent and incorruptible main stream media...

and my cycle of love for insane women continues....

Other 9/11 stuff:
Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11 cleanup and rescue crew and others at ground zero have health issues from breathing in toxic dust conspiracy/fuck the EPA (narrated by Steve Buscemi)
Tania Head: The 911 Faker crazy lady pretends to be a 9/11 survivor "conspiracy"  (Ok, conspiracy is more than 1 person, so not a conspiracy, and I didn't watch the linked version... i saw the documentary on Netflix though)

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